WordPress Services

WordPress Load Time Optimization

  • A sluggish website is harmful to your SEO rankings, but also turns away website visitors. To combat this, we employ a variety of powerful techniques to dramatically reduce your website load time. Below is a rough outline of what we will do to decrease your load time
  • Let's face it, unless you're actively cropping and editing images in PhotoShop with the intent to reduce load times, your website likely has a bunch of images that need to be reduced in size. We will reduce the size without sacrificing quality on all images within your website. Furthermore, we will include technology that will automatically optimize any images you upload in the future - eliminating the hassle and the worry. - Image Optimization and Compression
  • Without caching, your browser has to redownload all of the same resources from page to page - taking up precious time. Our caching technology will instruct browsers to not redownload every resource as they navigate your website. Additionally, we will instruct the server to compress the files it delivers to the browser - this compression dramatically decreases the over all size of the page that the browser has to download - decreasing the time it takes for your website to load. - Browser and Server Caching and Compression
  • CSS, JavaScript, and HTML often have a lot of white space as a result of having more readable code. However, this white space bloats the file size. We will implement minification technology which strips out the extra white space - effectively compressing these resources to a smaller file - thereby increasing the speed. - Script Minification
  • Every plugin that you add increases the time it takes to load the website. By reducing the amount of plugins, we can decrease the load time. Even plugins and themes that aren't enabled can still add to the processing time. - Disabling and Deleting Unused Plugins and Themes